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The Natural Element Method in Solid Mechanics

N. Sukumar

Ph.D. Thesis
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Northwestern University

Please refer to the Ph.D. thesis web page for details.

The Natural Element Method in Solid Mechanics

N. Sukumar, B. Moran and T. Belytschko
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 43, Number 5, pp. 839-887, 1998


The application of the Natural Element Method (NEM) (Traversoni (1994), Braun and Sambridge (1995)) to boundary value problems in two-dimensional small displacement elastostatics is presented. The discrete model of the domain consists of a set of distinct nodes N, and a polygonal description of the boundary . In the natural element method, the trial and test functions are constructed using natural neighbor interpolants. These interpolants are based on the Voronoi tessellation of the set of nodes N. The interpolants are smooth () everywhere, except at the nodes where they are C0. In one-dimension, NEM is identical to linear finite elements. The NEM interpolant is strictly linear between adjacent nodes on the boundary of the convex hull, which facilitates imposition of essential boundary conditions. A methodology to model material discontinuities and non-convex bodies (cracks) using NEM is also described. A standard displacement-based Galerkin procedure is used to obtain the discrete system of linear equations. Application of NEM to various problems in solid mechanics, which include, the patch test, gradient problems, bimaterial interface, and a static crack problem are presented. Excellent agreement with exact (analytical) solutions is obtained, which exemplifies the accuracy and robustness of NEM and suggests its potential application in the context of other classes of problems--crack growth, plates, and large deformations to name a few.

This paper is available in gzipped postscript format (71 pages, ~1.6MB gzipped) as well as in PDF.

C1 Natural Neighbor Interpolant for Partial Differential Equations

N. Sukumar and B. Moran
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Vol. 15, Number 4, pp. 417-447, 1999


Natural neighbor coordinates (Sibson, 1980) are optimum weighted-average measures for an irregular arrangement of nodes in Rn. Farin (1990) used the notion of Bezier simplices in natural neighbor coordinates to propose a C1 interpolant. The C1 interpolant has quadratic precision in , and reduces to a cubic polynomial between adjacent nodes on the boundary . We present the C1 formulation and propose a computational methodology for its numerical implementation (Natural Element Method) for the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). The approach involves the transformation of the original Bernstein basis functions to new shape functions , such that the shape functions , , and for node I are directly associated with the three nodal degrees of freedom , , and , respectively. The C1 shape functions interpolate to nodal function and nodal gradient values, which renders the interpolant amenable to application in a Galerkin scheme for the solution of fourth-order elliptic PDEs. Results for the biharmonic equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions are presented. The generalized eigenproblem is studied to establish the ellipticity of the discrete biharmonic operator, and consequently the stability of the numerical method.

This paper is available in gzipped postscript format (56 pages, ~1.2MB gzipped) as well as in PDF.

Dispersive Properties of the Natural Element Method

D. Bueche, N. Sukumar and B. Moran
Computational Mechanics
Vol. 25, Number 2/3, pp. 207-219, 2000


The Natural Element Method (NEM) is a mesh-free numerical method for the solution of partial differential equations. In the natural element method, natural neighbor coordinates, which are based on the Voronoi tesselation of a set of nodes, are used to construct the interpolant. The performance of NEM in two-dimensional linear elastodynamics is investigated. A standard Galerkin formulation is used to obtain the weak form and a central-difference time integration scheme is chosen for time history analyses. Two different applications are considered: vibration of a cantilever beam and dispersion analysis of the wave equations. The NEM results are compared to finite element and analytical solutions. Excellent dispersive properties of NEM are observed and good agreement with analytical solutions is obtained.

This paper is available in gzipped postscript format (28 pages, ~0.8MB gzipped) as well as in PDF.

Natural Neighbor Galerkin Methods

N. Sukumar, B. Moran, A. Yu Semenov and V. V. Belikov
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 50, Number 1, pp. 1-27, 2001


Natural neighbor coordinates (Sibson coordinates) is a well-known interpolation scheme for multivariate data fitting and smoothing. The numerical implementation of natural neighbor coordinates in a Galerkin method is known as the Natural Element Method (NEM). In the natural element method, natural neighbor coordinates are used to construct the trial and test functions. Recent studies on NEM (Sukumar et al. (1998), Sukumar and Moran (1999)) have shown that natural neighbor coordinates, which are based on the Voronoi tessellation of a set of nodes, are an appealing choice to construct meshless interpolants for the solution of partial differential equations. In Belikov et al. (1997), a new interpolation scheme (non-Sibsonian interpolation) based on natural neighbors was proposed. In the present paper, the non-Sibsonian interpolation scheme is reviewed and its performance in a Galerkin method for the solution of elliptic partial differential equations that arise in linear elasticity is studied. A methodology to couple finite elements to NEM is also described. Two significant advantages of the non-Sibson interpolant over the Sibson interpolant are revealed and numerically verified: the computational efficiency of the non-Sibson algorithm in 2-dimensions, which is expected to carry over to 3-dimensions, and the ability to exactly impose essential boundary conditions on the boundaries of convex and non-convex domains.

This paper is available in gzipped postscript format (43 pages, ~1.1MB gzipped) as well as in PDF (27 pages, ~0.3MB)

Voronoi Cell Finite Difference Method for the Diffusion Operator on Arbitrary Unstructured Grids

N. Sukumar
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 57, Number 1, pp. 1-34, 2003


Voronoi cells and the notion of natural neighbors are used to develop a finite difference method for the diffusion operator on arbitrary unstructured grids. Natural neighbors are based on the Voronoi diagram, which partitions space into closest-point regions. The Sibson and the Laplace (non-Sibsonian) interpolants which are based on natural neighbors have shown promise within a Galerkin framework for the solution of partial differential equations. In this paper, we focus on the Laplace interpolant with a two-fold objective: first, to unify the previous developments related to the Laplace interpolant and to indicate its ties to some well-known numerical methods; and secondly to propose a Voronoi cell finite difference scheme for the diffusion operator on arbitrary unstructured grids. A conservation law in integral form is discretized on Voronoi cells to derive a finite difference scheme for the diffusion operator on irregular grids. The proposed scheme can also be viewed as a point collocation technique. A detailed study on consistency is conducted, and the satisfaction of the discrete maximum principle (stability) is established. Owing to symmetry of the Laplace weight, a symmetric positive-definite stiffness matrix is realized which permits the use of efficient linear solvers. On a regular (rectangular or hexagonal) grid, the difference scheme reduces to the classical finite difference method. Numerical examples for the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and convergence of the finite difference scheme.

This paper is available in PDF (34 pages, ~7.4MB).