There are two Fortran 90 modules that are part of the max-ent library.
These are in the source files maxent.f90 and
priorweightfunction.f90, and implementations for
steepest descent and Newton's method are available.
To provide access to the L-BFGS
algorithm, a driver subroutine is included in maxent.f90, with a call
to the public-domain limited-memory BFGS subroutine (Fortran 77 implementation)
[19]. If a different convex optimization algorithm is desired,
the appropriate driver routine can be added in maxent.f90 to
provide an interface to the subroutine/function in which the
algorithm of interest is implemented.
We now discuss some of the main features and
computational details that are contained in the two Fortran 90 modules.
N. Sukumar
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