Installing and Testing the Code
Unpack the tar archive on a UNIX machine using the command
tar -xvf maxent.tar
The archive consists of the main directory MAXENT-V1.4 and several sub-directories. Use the command
cd MAXENT-V1.4 to change to
the MAXENT-V1.4 directory.
Now, you
will see the following sub-directories and files:
- README: README file that points to this document for
instructions on the installation and use of the library;
- COPYING: License file that contains the
version 3 license;
- COPYING.LESSER: License file that contains the
version 3 license;
- bin: executable is placed here after compiling and linking the
- doc: user's manual (PDF) is available in the doc/manual
- lib: static library file
libmaxent.a is placed here when
make maxentlib is executed;
- makefile: a makefile at the top directory that
depending on the desired action, executes the
makefile in the sub-directory src;
- file that is included in makefile;
contains the settings for the compilers, compiler-options, and flags;
- run: a directory from where the program can be executed;
- src: all source files are located in this directory--two
Fortran 90 module files
(maxent.f90 and priorweightfunction.f90)
and the public domain Fortran 77 program lbfgs.f
[19]. The subroutines dpotrf and
dpotri from the Lapack library are used;
linking to the blas and lapack libraries
is required to have access to these subroutines. These
subroutines are used only if
. If data
approximation in 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensions is to be performed,
these libraries are not needed. If so, set the DEFS
macro to be empty in the file in
the src directory; also
see the makefile that resides
in this sub-directory.
- tests: sample input data files are provided; the
outputs that are generated when these input files are used
in the program execution are available in
the tests/results directory;
N. Sukumar
Copyright © 2008