N. Sukumar's Publications

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Generalized Gaussian quadrature rules on arbitrary polygons

S. E. Mousavi, H. Xiao, and N. Sukumar. Generalized Gaussian quadrature rules on arbitrary polygons. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 82(1):99–113, 2010.






	author = "S. E. Mousavi and H. Xiao and N. Sukumar",
	title  = "Generalized Gaussian quadrature rules on arbitrary polygons",
	journal = IJNME,
  	year   = 2010,
  	volume = 82,
  	number = 1,
  	pages  = {99--113},
   bib2html_dl_pdf = "http://dilbert.engr.ucdavis.edu/~suku/quadrature/polygonquadrature.pdf",
   bib2html_pubtype = {Journal},
   bib2html_rescat =  {Maximum-Entropy Approximants,Quadrature/Cubature Rules}

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