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- 1
G. Farin.
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- 2
R. Sibson.
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G. Farin.
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- 7
A. J. Worsey and G. Farin.
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J. Braun and M. Sambridge.
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N. Sukumar, B. Moran, and T. Belytschko.
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- 10
G. Farin.
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Academic Press, New York, second edition, 1990.
- 11
G. Farin.
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Computer Aided Geometric Design, 3:83-127, 1986.
- 12
C. de Boor.
B-form basics.
In G. Farin, editor, Geometric Modeling: Algorithm and New
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W. Böhm, G. Farin, and J. Kahmann.
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- 14
Charles T. Loop and Tony D. DeRose.
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- 15
R. Sibson.
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In V. Barnett, editor, Interpreting Multivariate Data, pages
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- 16
G. Farin.
Smooth interpolation to scattered 3D data.
In R. E. Barnhill and W. Böhm, editors, Surfaces in CAGD,
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N. Sukumar