N. Sukumar's Publications

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Extended finite element method for three-dimensional crack modelling

N. Sukumar, N. Moës, B. Moran, and T. Belytschko. Extended finite element method for three-dimensional crack modelling. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 48(11):1549–1570, 2000.






	author = "N. Sukumar and N. Mo{ë}s and B. Moran 
                  and T. Belytschko",
	title  = "Extended finite element method for three-dimensional 
                  crack modelling",
	journal = IJNME,
 	volume  = "48",
	number  = "11",
	pages   = {1549--1570},
	year    = "2000",
   bib2html_dl_pdf = "http://dilbert.engr.ucdavis.edu/~suku/xfem/papers/xfem_cracks3d.pdf",
   bib2html_pubtype = {Journal},
   bib2html_rescat =  {Partition-of-Unity Methods/X-FEM}

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