N. Sukumar's Publications

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Application of the Finite Element Iterative Method to cracks and sharp notches in orthotropic media

N. Sukumar and M. Kumosa. Application of the Finite Element Iterative Method to cracks and sharp notches in orthotropic media. International Journal of Fracture, 58:177–192, 1992.






 	author = "N. Sukumar and M. Kumosa",
 	title  = "Application of the Finite Element Iterative Method to
             cracks and sharp notches in orthotropic media",
  	journal= IJF,
  	volume = 58,
  	year   = 1992,
  	pages  = {177--192},
   bib2html_pubtype = {Journal},
   bib2html_rescat =  {Elastic Fracture (FEM)}

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