N. Sukumar's Publications

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X-FEM toolkit for automated crack onset and growth prediction

J. Shi, J. Lua, H. Waisman, P. Liu, T. Belytschko, N. Sukumar, and Y. Liang. X-FEM toolkit for automated crack onset and growth prediction. In 49th AIAA Conference, pp. 1–22, Schaumburg IL, April 2008.






  author =    "J. Shi and J. Lua and H. Waisman and P. Liu and T. Belytschko and N. Sukumar and Y. Liang",
  title =    "X-FEM toolkit for automated crack onset and growth prediction",
  booktitle =    "49th AIAA Conference",
  address =    "Schaumburg IL",
  month =   "April",
  year =    "2008",
  pages  = {1--22},
  bib2html_dl_pdf = "http://imechanica.org/files/xfa-toolkit-automated-crack-onset-growth-simulat-2008.pdf",
  bib2html_pubtype = {Refereed Conference},
  bib2html_rescat =  {Partition-of-Unity Methods/X-FEM}

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