N. Sukumar's Publications

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High-order finite element method for atomic structure calculations

O. Certik, J. E. Pask, I. Fernando, R. Goswami, N. Sukumar, L. A. Collins, G. Manzini, and J. Vackar. High-order finite element method for atomic structure calculations. Computer Physics Communications, 297:109051, 2024.






    author =  "O. Certik and J. E. Pask and I. Fernando and
               R. Goswami and N. Sukumar and L. A. Collins and
               G. Manzini and J. Vackar",
    title =   "High-order finite element method for atomic structure 
    journal = "Computer Physics Communications",
    volume =  {297},
    pages   = {109051},
    year   = 2024,
    bib2html_dl_pdf = "http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.05856",
    bib2html_pubtype = {Journal},
    bib2html_rescat =  {Partition-of-Unity Methods/X-FEM,Quantum Mechanics}

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